Tuesday, October 25, 2005

"One more 'gin"
So this roller coaster called the Peace Corps is roundng it's last hill right before it coasts into a gentle stop. But for those of you who know me, you know my love for a good roller coaster. And much like I would at an amusement park, despite the queesy head-jerking highs and lows, I'm getting back on for yet another ride. That's right it's official. Now I can say with confidence I'm doing a third year with the Peace Corps, and this time it will be in Senegal. In effect it's not like getting on the same ride again, but more like jumping off the wooden coaster and running to the front of the line of the new smooth 0 to 60 in 3 seconds super coaster with the VIP pass (I'll be in a big city Saint Louis (for Africa) with a jazz scene, working with CISCO Systems and on the beach to boot, can you say heaven). So currently I'm steadily climbing up the hill of anticipation of that first big requisite drop that typifies all great roller coaster rides...anyways enough of the extended analogy let's just say je suis trop content!


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