Saturday, August 13, 2005

Getting from Point A to Point B

Here's a picture of the Transport Bus being loaded. The Greyhound of Burkina if you will. Transport in Burkina is remarkable by West African standards. Most times it's just a random "Bush Taxi" that has no schedule or pattern to where and when it goes or it's a huge truck like the one below. At least between the main towns in Burkina they attempt to keep a schedule and have fairly reliable buses that were problably used in Europe 20 years ago. However, that doesn't mean however that you won't get stranded in the middle of no where from time to time because the bus breaks down. That makes it all the more fun since the "mechanics" ride the if, I mean when it does break down there are there to rectify the problem. If not you can always catch the next days bus to continue your journey. My favorite thing however would be the motorcycles on top and the goats stuffed alive in the underside carriages screaming along the way (PETA would have a conniption). And don't forget on any given day you could be sharing a seat with a live chicken (quite amicable btw)!


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