Saturday, August 06, 2005

Here is what I think is one of my better self potraits...what is it about digital cameras that lead us to take excessive self photos? Anyways in this one I'm making the journey home after visiting a friend. On this road between my friend's village and mine there is no usual transport so you basically got to sit on the side of the road and wait for someone to pass and voila there is your ride. In this case I got to ride shotgun in an 18 wheeler...only in Africa they've only got 10 ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Ryan, you never cease to impress. The scope on each facet of your life, the breadth of understanding you have in all that stuff, it's all immense. As satisfying as it is to have that sort of grasp on things, people here in the States are just too caught up in whatever. I for one have not recently evaluated how I feel about my job, I have more of a one day outlook and that's all. "If I can make it through this day, then later on after I get home, maybe I can prepare for the next one."
The most recent picture is great! It looks like it belongs in a book.
Miss you bro,

Thursday, August 11, 2005  

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