What's up all.
So I've added a counter to the website. I've got a feeling that some of you are checking it out without leaving comments. Leave comments! It really makes my day to read your words in my little internet cafe in the middle of the desert. Anyways all is good here and I'll be doing some traveling. There is a conference for volunteers who will be helping out with the next training group who is coming in August. It's always fun helping America's cope with the conditions here. You also get looked at as an expert because you can function under the conditions here. Anyways check out this link.
My guy David Yi from college is on the road to being a hot producer. For all of you in DC...he's the one that produced the spoken word track with Etan Thomas of the Washington Wizards being played on WPGC 95.5 currently. So yeah I'll be back soon as I'll be getting regular internet for the next 2 weeks.
So I've added a counter to the website. I've got a feeling that some of you are checking it out without leaving comments. Leave comments! It really makes my day to read your words in my little internet cafe in the middle of the desert. Anyways all is good here and I'll be doing some traveling. There is a conference for volunteers who will be helping out with the next training group who is coming in August. It's always fun helping America's cope with the conditions here. You also get looked at as an expert because you can function under the conditions here. Anyways check out this link.
My guy David Yi from college is on the road to being a hot producer. For all of you in DC...he's the one that produced the spoken word track with Etan Thomas of the Washington Wizards being played on WPGC 95.5 currently. So yeah I'll be back soon as I'll be getting regular internet for the next 2 weeks.
Amazing stuff, looking forward to more post from you ... do u have any pictures of activites, festivals or anything of the sort? would love to check that stuff out, get a feel for how people are living.
keep in touch
hey you fool, just posting a hello, as you seem so desperate for human contact :)
as for me i went home, and enjoying fine cafés and croissants, as well as that 'feminine entourage' we froggies are famous for :)
keep up the 'survivor' experience!
yeah you know, that french guy? :)
hope to hear from you
Yeah well I've had a chance to check out your new blog...not bad, but a little late in the game.
Where were you 2 years ago?..well, it'll be cool to follow along in Senegal I guess.
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